Sunday 23 December 2007

An extract from The Red Stone

Hi all,
Here's a small extract from The Red Stone. Just to give a little taste of what the book is about. I'm busy working on a new edit of the book at the moment. Just to get the flow of the writing just that little bit better. I will try to post again before the end of the year but if I don't. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I hope you guys have a good one!
----The men got the fright of their lives, one even feinted when he saw the big dragon appear out of no where, breathing fire on them. The two black wolves in front jumped for Berrinn’s throat. He knocked the one aside with his clawed front paw, and the other one got a hold of his thick scaly throat. Berrinn’s paws couldn’t reach to get rid of the wolf. He was going to have to do something drastic to get the wolf off.

----“Are you all right? Do you need help?” asked Tennen desperately.

----“Nothing that I can’t handle.”

----So Berrinn took to the air, the black wolf’s jaws were set in place, and weren’t going to move. Berrinn flew so high that you couldn’t see him. After a few moments, they could see something coming down at a speed. It was Berrinn, whistling along towards the ground. But where was he going at such a speed? The next thing, the bronze dragon smashed into a house, mortar, glass, wood and furniture went flying everywhere.

----“Oh no!” yelled Tennen, but it was no matter to be concerned about, because Berrinn came out the other side, less one black wolf. It was the most amazing thing Tennen had ever seen.


  1. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year to you!

  2. Craig - thanks for friending me on blogcatalog. I am excited for you and your book, and will live vicariously through you as I write my own! May you have a healthy, wealthy and happy new year!

  3. Cool excerpt. Good luck on sales! Thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. How are the sales going? Is it available in Australia yet? I will keep an eye out for it over here.

  5. -easy writer

    Thanks again for stopping by :). I've looked at your blog quite a few times and I have to say it is quite interesting!

    -Lisa Thanks for the best wishes. the same to you. You must keep me up to date on the progess of your book :).

    -G.Parker Thanks :). It was an interesting blog.

    Hi Shadowknight. Thanks for stopping by :). I'm not too sure if it is available in Australia but I will have look. Are you also a writer yourself?

